Entries from 2019-09-01 to 1 month

Dua For Parents Long Life – Dua For Sick Parents or Mother

Parent and child relationship is very beautiful relation in this world. Every parent does lots of things for their child happiness. All children want to see their parents healthy and happy. If you love your parents very much and don't want…

Get Powerful Dua For Bringing Love Back

Do you love someone and want to Bringing lost love back? Do you want your lover comes somehow come back to you? Do you still see their flash when you visit familiar places and miss your memories? If this is so, and you want your lost love …

Surah To Get Husband Back - Wazifa To Get Husband Love Back

Marriage may be a sacred bond wherever 2 people attempt to practice each part of life along. Wedding changes the lifetimes of a lady fully. She leaves her parental house to start out a brand new life along with her husband. But due to some…

Dua To Remove Fear From Heart – Dua For Help in Difficulty

Often we face such situations when we feel fear and anxiety from inside. It might be because of several reasons like fear of someone who can hurt us or fear of facing some situations like giving speech in front of a large audience is somet…

Dua for Marriage Proposal Acceptance in Islam in Urdu

Dua for Marriage Proposal; Sometimes due to some reasons our marriage gets delayed and we listen everybody giving us advice about getting married early. At that time such advices are not admirable by anybody who is not getting married earl…